Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Having More Children

Recently I have been told by many that we should not have anymore children.  As they continue to say this I am driven to want more and more.  I am really not sure why they are making these comments.  I love my two children and would enjoy an even larger family.  I know that I struggle with them, but who doesn't.  
I know that each day is a challenge with children, but as long as I love them I should continue to have some more.  Keeping up with the house hold chores is a challenge to me, but I try.  I think this is a lot of the reason that those comments are made.  I would like suggestions on how to keep up with these chores.  I have tried many different things but none seem to work out.  I know having more children would add more to my chores list but I love my kids.  
Loving children is what I love in my life so more would just make me happier.  As time goes by I want another, but nobody or at least my husband is not on the same page.  So I guess I may put it off until my daughter is about three.  It is not like I am young though.

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